The African Dream

The African Dream is a Sierra Leonean news and entertainment platform. We cover stories about African history, culture, politics, change-makers and many more.

16-Year-Old Black Teen With 3 Degrees Becomes America’s Youngest Full-Time Teacher

Shania Muhammad, a 16-year-old girl from Oklahoma City is making waves across the world after becoming America’s youngest full-time teacher under payroll. Shania already has three college degrees and is currently teaching the third grade at a school in her hometown.

Concerns have been raised over Shania’s age and experience. However she has proven herself to be more astute and qualified for the job. She currently holds a bachelor’s degree in Early Child Development and also earned two associated degrees from Oklahoma City Community College and Langston University at the age of 14. Shania has also completed two years of National Teachers Professional Development Training through the Thurgood Marshall Foundation.

Shania has a genuine desire and passion for teaching in the classroom. Despite the long resume and accolades, Shania loves the feeling of impacting lives.

“I’m super proud of my daughter for being bold and brave and stepping out on her faith and into her purpose. She doesn’t allow people’s opinions of her to dictate the reality of her dreams and passions,” Elijah, Shania’s father revealed.

In a recent post on his Facebook page, Elijah added, “People will always have criticism and negative things to say but we are used to it. And not one negative comment has slowed down our family’s history making progress”

Charitta Smith, Director of Young Achievers Christian Academy where Shania teaches, comments, “It is a privilege and honor to be this young lady’s mentor, helping and guiding her teaching journey… We are a few days away from week one, and let me just say, she’s doing an amazing job with her third graders.”

Delvid Stanley-Coker

Delvid Stanley-Coker is a dedicated writer and editor for The African Dream. His passion and desire to publicize the appreciable department of Africa and voice out the prevalent ills of society have adequately contributed to the promulgation of stories of different sorts. Email: WhatsApp: +23276737886 Facebook: Delvid Stanley-Coker.

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