Call for help: Baby Hassanatu Bangura Has Successfully Undergo Truncus Arteriosus + Ventricular Septal Defect Repairs Surgery In New Delhi, India, But Still Needs US$10,500

Hassanatu Bangura, born with bluish discoloration of mucous membranes due to lack of oxygen in the blood caused by a blood clot in the arteries of the lungs, heart defects that are present at birth, and swelling around the vocal cords, has, after raising millions of Leones for her surgery in New Delhi, successfully gone through her surgery in New Delhi, India. She has been transferred to the HDU after spending six days in the Intensive Care Unit. Despite this arousing news, however, baby Hassanatu still needs an additional US$10,500 (outstanding amount) to finalize and pay all her medical expenses.

Hassanatu Bangura Journey To New Delhi, India

Before leaving for New Delhi, India, Hassanatu was admitted to the Ola During Children Hospital, Freetown, within the first week of birth with a medical condition of bluish discoloration of mucous membranes, non-paroxysmal cough, and low-grade intermittent fever. She spent three months at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. During that period, she undergo a chest x-ray and the result came out that Hassanatu is suffering from Truncus Arteriosus + Ventricular Septal Defect. She was later referred to by the hospital to be taken outside Sierra Leone for surgery, a moment for Sick Pikin Project to step in as usual.

The case of Hassanatu was taken up by The Sick Pikin Project. Having raised funds for Hassanatu, Hassanatu, with the help of The Ministry of Health and Sanitation and our kind donors, was taken out of the country through Turkey and then to India with oxygen throughout her journey to India where she is currently being treated for her medical condition.

Current Status

Thankfully, Hassanatu is positively responding to treatment and she is now recuperating from her life-saving surgery, and currently she is being placed at the hospital’s ICU for continued medical support. However, her current outstanding expenses at the hospital in New Delhi, India is US$10,500. We have all done tremendously well to ensure that Hassanatu’s surgery is done, but more so, The Sick Pikin Project is asking, as usual, its donor partners and givers to continue throwing in their support in ensuring that baby Hassanatu’s outstanding medical bill of US$10,500 is fully paid and thus get baby Hassanatu back to Freetown in good health.

©️ The Sick Pikin Project 2022

☎️ +23276722736 or +23276793010


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