Essilfie Banton is a Professional Artist and graduate from the University of Education, Winneba where he read Art Education. He is currently a second year post graduate student reading Mphil Art Education at the University of Education, Winneba.

Essilfie Banton collect trash in the street of Ghana and used them into beautiful images. Essilfie Banton has a goal of ridding his environment of filth and has found a very innovative way of doing it.

He has created a lot of iconic images from the trash that he has gathered from random places. Among the many masterpieces of Essilfie Banton include replicas of later former president Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings and singer Wiyaala. His artwork of former Ghanaian President, the late man JJ Rawlings was featured on BBC News

Speaking to, Essilfie noted that:
“Waste has been one of the major challenges in Ghana, so much money goes into the production of plastic and after that, we send them into trash cans. After this, we turn and complain of poverty. I, therefore, decided to be the artist who is turning trash into treasure to entertain and heal people.”

Having a very creative eye, Essilfie Banton puts pieces of trash together and manages to create masterpieces with his works focusing on prominent individuals.

At a closer look, one would see the works of Essilfie Banton as a confusing combination of ‘just borla’ but when one looks at the work from a distance, one sees a beautiful work of art.

In a WhatsApp interview I had with him, he told me “I have started employing people who goes around to collect trash from the environment and wash them. I sometimes involve children to escalate their level of creativity.”
Essilfie Banton is not only creative, but he is cleaning the streets of Ghana and preventing dirt pollution by collecting trash and turn them into wonderful artwork. Essilfie Banton is an African worth celebrating.

Like Essilfie Banton, there are many young, gifted and talented Africans out there that needs support. If you want to buy his artwork or you want him to beautify your house with art, you can contact him via email at
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