
Poll: Which African country has the best Jollof?

The Jollof war is a never-ending war in Africa between Africans who come on social media to defend their Jollof over another. Although the Jollof war is heavily between West African countries like Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone, Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania who are according to history the pioneers of the Jollof rice have been shunned and left out in the Jollof war.

So to end this war, we have created a poll on which African country has the best Jollof? Let the votes begin!!!

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Brief History of Jollof Rice

Jollof rice’s origin can be traced as far back as the 1300s in the ancient African Wolof also called the Jolof Empire, which can be found in Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania. During this period, rice farming flourished in the Wolof Empire and because of this, there came the introduction of a new dish by the people of the Wolof Empire, called thieboudienne in their local language, which later become a popular dish across West Africa and the world at large.

But as the Wolof Empire grew, so do their dish became popular. Due to the inter-continental migration between ancient African states, the Wolof people spread across West Africa and settled in different parts of the continent, taking along their sumptuous thieboudienne (Jollof) dish with them. With its seductive aroma, deep-red colour and spicy flavour, sumptuous taste – this is how the Jollof rice became the continent’s pride and the undisputed queen of African dishes.

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