Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Employment, Labor, and Social Security Revokes Licenses of Two Overseas Employment Companies

The Ministry of Employment, Labor, and Social Security has enforced a ban on two overseas employment companies after failing to match standard procedure.

The letters below are from the Ministry of Employment, Labour, and Social Security:

The following Overseas Employment Companies are currently banned from recruiting Sierra Leoneans for overseas travel:

1. Obinana (SL) Limited, located at 6 Main Motor Road, Waterloo, has had its overseas recruitment license revoked by the Ministry of Employment, Labour, and Social Security. This action was taken after the company violated Sections 10(1)(b) and (d) and Sections 6(2)(a) and (b) of the Overseas Private Employment and Migrant Workers Act, 2023. Sierra Leoneans are strongly advised to avoid conducting business or making travel arrangements with this agency.

2. Daresallam Traveling & Employment Recruitment Agency (SL) Limited, located at 27 Jui Highway, has also had its overseas recruitment license revoked. This agency was found to have similarly breached the aforementioned sections of the Overseas Private Employment and Migrant Workers Act, 2023.

Obinana Limited and Daresallam Traveling Agency are overseas employment companies which specifically recruit Sierra Leoneans to work mostly in the Middle East.

The Ministry of Employment, Labour, and Social Security urges all Sierra Leoneans to exercise caution and avoid dealings with these two agencies to prevent potential issues. These companies misinformed the Ministry of their operations and went on to do extra activities that are in opposition to their licenses that were given by the Ministry.

This notice is issued for the awareness and benefit of the public.

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