The recent span of events across the country has been primarily centered around the issuance and possession of fake degrees by unauthorized universities and public servants respectively. It had started as a raindrop of ridicule and jest after the Dominion University saga, before transcending into a web of mega scandal and revelation on the porousness of our institutions and the educational capability of those manning them.
Amidst the heightened tales and nuances, Dr. John Idriss Lahai is the key topic of discussion at play. He has exercised utmost relentlessness and undevoured zeal to expose individuals with fake academic degrees across the country. A preoccupation that has earned him positive public reception and limelight. Who is Dr. John Idriss Lahai? Dr. Lahai is an author, lecturer, editor, applied development scholar, educational consultant, researcher, and activist. He is an alumnus of the University of New England, Australia. He was also a lecturer at Fourah Bay College. Some of the books he has authored are Human Rights in Sierra Leone, Government and Political Adaptation in Fragile States, The Long Struggle from the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Present, and many more. His books have been published by major printing presses in the world.
Dr. Lahai’s battle against the swindling motive of attaining fake degrees has been unbiased and unchallenging. Things became serious after he exposed the country’s Inspector-General, Minister of Tourism, Minister of Agriculture, and other crucial public heads and workers. He seems to not be backing out at the moment. But, there is something peculiar about Dr. John Idriss Lahai? His revelations and coverages have pinpointed members and stalwarts of the ruling party to which he belongs. He has mentioned several times that he is a proud member of the Sierra Leone People’s Party. Unfamiliar spec, right? The two parliamentarians who once tried it are now cold with their consciences anti-clockwise. In addition, the Sierra Leonean norm has always directed the path of service to one’s political party or other affiliations rather than the state. However, with the much-needed emergence of Dr. Lahai, maybe that unproductive rhetoric might face an attack.
Why is Dr. Lahai’s fight significant? Unemployment is a nightmare for young folks in the country. The buckets of sweat and turmoil to acquire a merited degree end up in the drain. Why? Because your first-class degree is waiting to be rivaled by a grey-haired bloke who has a counterfeit Ph.D. from a quack and unrecognized institution. It is one of the driving propellers of unemployment. Some fellow who is less qualified and ill knowledgeable of the field has occupied your position. Okay. This government is perceived as having the most learned academics and bookworms in administrative authority. Most of them are master’s holders. However, why haven’t we seen pieces of evidence of their expertise on the ground? That is primarily bordering on the fact that these individuals were living a lie. It was a make-believe pattern. They are clueless as to what their duties entail and thus, they can never deliver. You cannot cheat education.
Without any taste of panic or favoritism, I am right to assume that Dr. John Idriss Lahai is building the desired future hoped for by many Sierra Leoneans. The future where people will stand for truth and justice without consideration for their political linkage. To whistleblowers and activists who long to see a progressive system, the educationist is a key example of why being consistent with the truth matters. To political party sympathizers, opportunists, and party enthusiasts, perhaps they should now discard the lens of party biasedness and look to the broader spectrum. Country first!
Be like Dr. John Idriss Lahai.
It is for the good of the country!! I was unable to understand the inability of our government to make decisions that push a clear mandate on the relationship between quality education and public service performance; they failed to make this relationship a tool to promote sustainable development.Our national interest is more dependent on the strength of our education sector and its attendant impact on the workforce we produce and employ (or produce and get them to aspire to be employed) in our fledgling economy and politically “drug-crazed” society than anything else.Dr. John Idriss Lahai
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