The African Dream

The African Dream is a Sierra Leonean news and entertainment platform. We cover stories about African history, culture, politics, change-makers and many more.

Bismack Biyombo: NBA star set to build a hospital in his home country DR. Congo with his entire 2021/2022 salary

Bismack Biyombo, a US-based NBA star who plays for The Phoenix Suns promised to donate his entire 2021-2022 salary towards the construction of a hospital in his home country, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The player announced this kind gesture in a recent video. “What I told my agent was my salary for this year would be going to the construction of a hospital back home to give hope to the hopeless,” he said.

Biyombo added that the services of the facility will be extended to “those individuals who cannot take their family members out and want to be able to give them better conditions so that they can somewhat have hope that their loved ones would be able to live and see another day.”

This is not the first time the player is engaging in charitable works and investment in his home country. Last two years, he donated $1 million in medical supplies to hospitals in the country to help boost health delivery during the peak of the pandemic.


Abu Bakarr Jalloh

Abu Bakarr Jalloh is a Sierra Leonean content writer, author, Neo Pan-African and founder of The African Dream, an online platform for inspiring, positive and compelling African stories. Contact: WhatsApp: +23276211583

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