The African Dream

The African Dream is a Sierra Leonean news and entertainment platform. We cover stories about African history, culture, politics, change-makers and many more.

African History

This category is purposely for compelling and inspiring African history

History of The San People

The San are the oldest inhabitants of Southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20 000 years. The term San is commonly used to refer to a diverse group of hunter-gatherers living in Southern Africa who share historical and linguistic connections.

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The President Who Ruled For 24 Hours

Christopher Okoro Cole was a Governor-general and President of Sierra Leone in the early 1970s. A very quiet character in the annals of history, many people often mistake Siaka Stevens for being the first president of Sierra Leone.

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The fascinating story of Emperor Menelik II and his “Lion Corps”

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia faced numerous challenges, including conflicts with neighboring regions and European colonial powers. During this time, transportation of supplies and ammunition to support his forces during battles was a crucial concern. Seeking a unique solution, Menelik II came up with an unconventional idea: employing lions as “soldiers” to carry loads.

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The Story Of Valentine Strasser, Africa’s Youngest President

When Valentine Strasser took over Sierra Leone as the country’s Head of State three days after his 25th birthday, he set a record for the youngest Head of State in history. Capt. Valentine Strasser rose to prominence as one of six equally young fellow officers who led the military coup that ousted Ex-President Joseph Saidu Momoh on April 29, 1992.

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