February 2021

Thomas Sankara ‘A United Front Against Debt’ Speech At The African Union Summit In 1987

At this moment I would like for us to speak about another pressing issue: the issue of debt, the question of the economic situation in Africa. It is an important condition of our survival, as much as peace. And this is why I have deemed it necessary to put several supplementary points on the table for us to discuss.

Thomas Sankara ‘A United Front Against Debt’ Speech At The African Union Summit In 1987 Read More »

Meet Iddris Sandu: A 23-year-old Ghanaian Tech Genius Behind Uber, Snapchat, And Instagram, And Creator Of The World’s First Smart Retail Store

Iddris Sandu was born in 1997 in Accra, Ghana. He is a Ghanaian architectural technologist. He was born in Accra, Ghana, and raised in Compton in Los Angeles, California. He created the world’s first smart retail store experience along with Nipsey Hussle. The store is called “The Marathon Store”.

Meet Iddris Sandu: A 23-year-old Ghanaian Tech Genius Behind Uber, Snapchat, And Instagram, And Creator Of The World’s First Smart Retail Store Read More »


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