There are little or no services for individuals struggling with the evils of depression, drug abuse, frustration, and anxiety in Sierra Leone and Africa by extension. That was what Mohamed Dennis Bangura considered when he established Mental Health Matters. As a social worker with a keen interest in psychology, he advocates for people battling with mental health disorders through his organisation.
Mental Health Matters SL was founded on the 14th of October, 2023. The motivations behind Mental Health Matters are enormous. Bangura started the whole idea with the sole purpose of increasing awareness, reducing the stigma frequently associated with persons with mental health disorders, and advocating for laws and funding that would consider mental health services.
In an interview with The African Dream, Mohamed Dennis Bangura reaffirmed that “the creation of an organisation named Mental Health Matters aligns with the goals of raising awareness, reducing stigma, providing support, and advocating for positive change in the field of mental health.”
There are currently 15 members in the organisation. This includes activists, psychologists, and experts in the field of mental health. For research purposes, Bangura can access the Department of Social Work for any project or field work.
Bangura’s personal experiences aggravated his desire to create Mental Health Matters. “I was feeling distraught at some point in my life and I discovered that there are no systems or mechanisms set up for depressed persons to vent out their problems. I decided that for the sake of my community, and the passion to reduce stigma, I should rally around like-minds to start an organisation (Mental Health Matters),” he told The African Dream.
So far, Mental Health Matters as an organisation has completed some noteworthy objectives. They have offered therapeutic support, counselling, and resources that individuals need to improve their well-being.
Last year, the organisation went on a media campaign, stoking the theme of mental health awareness and the disadvantages of stigma. In addition, they provide education and training opportunities for individuals interested in learning more about mental health or pursuing careers in the field.
Bangura highlighted the need for networking and liaising with other organisations. “Creating a mental health organisation allows you to connect with other like-minded individuals, organisation, and professionals working in the field. This networking and collaboration can lead to shared knowledge, resources, and partnerships, ultimately strengthening the impact of the organisation,” Mohamed Dennis Bangura said.
The beneficiaries who are to be benefiting from our organisation are individuals with mental health issues, families and loved ones, communities, professionals in the mental health field, and the society at large. “Overall, the beneficiaries of a mental health organisation are diverse and include individuals with mental health issues, their families, communities, professionals in the field, and society as a whole.”
You can visit Mental Health Matters at 2 Easton Street, off Kissy Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone. You can call them on +23231993901. WhatSapp them on +23272136690.
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You can contact them on media platforms on “Mental Health Matters.”
Your mental health is your priority
Mohamed Dennis Bangura.