Founder and Executive Director of Salone Messenger, Sierra Leonean communication strategist, fixer, blogger, youth organiser, event manager, spokesperson, and public relations expert has been honoured with the 2023 Lead Patriotic Blogger Award at the Radisson Blu Hotel.
The event was organised by Thelia Production and Sierra Tech awards to recognize and celebrate Individuals, Government Ministries and Agencies, Corporate and Religious Organizations employing Mobile, Digital and Technological platforms for their operations and services in Sierra Leone.
The Sierra Technology Awards is a unique platform that annually identifies and celebrates Organizations and Individuals who continue to provide products and services to the general populace in a bid to bridge the digital divide between Sierra Leone and the advanced economies employing technology.
Noting at the event after receiving the award, Sallu Kamuskay said “I started the journey in 2014 during the Ebola pandemic in my country. At that time, negative stories were the only ones you would find when searching about Sierra Leone. I dedicated my life to sharing the stories of young people who, amidst the situation in our country, dedicated their lives to making a difference.”
Other awardees included: Sierra Leone Digital Game Changer 2023 Awarded to Dr. David Moinina Sengeh for his immense contribution to the government of Sierra Leone’s flagship agenda, Game Changer Awards for – Digitalization of Banking Technology 2023 Awarded to Dr. Walton Ekundayo Gilpin for his immense contribution to the digitalization of the Rokel Commercial Bank’s core banking service in Sierra Leone, Lead Government Agency 2023 Award – Bridging Digital Divide (Activating The Switch) to the Bank Of Sierra Leone for activating the Digital Switch that has enabled seamless financial settlements between diverse payment platforms both locally and internationally, National Tourist Board, NASSIT, DSTI, Sierra Leone Insurance Company otherwise known as SLICO as the
Lead Innovative Insurer 2023 in Sierra Leone among others.
Sallu Kamuskay is a Sierra Leonean communication strategist, fixer, blogger, youth organiser, event manager, spokesperson, and public relations expert. His work has been regularly referenced and published by national and international media and public policy institutions.
Sallu Kamuskay was a child during the brutal war in Sierra Leone. Growing up in the midst of conflict, Sallu witnessed unimaginable abuse of children and gross violations of human rights. The horrors he witnessed during the Civil War had a terrible impact on him at a very tender age. But despite the shock of the war, Sallu never lost hope. He started on a journey of recovery, studying, and working for a better future.
At age 15, Sallu entered into the world of activism and advocacy.
Sallu Kamuskay was the Vice President of the Young Leaders Organisation, a member of the National Youth Council. The Young Leaders is one of the oldest youth-led organisations in West Africa. The organisation was formed by a group of young leaders, and launched by the then Head of State/President of Sierra Leone.
Sallu was part of the group of young leaders who participated in and contributed to the establishment of the National Youth Council. The Commonwealth supported the training for trainers programme with line ministries and youth stakeholders in which key, representatives of youth council, student union and civil society/private sector youth platforms were engaged and empowered in the effective engagement and inclusion of youth.
Sallu is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Salone Messenger, a global multimedia and public relations firm based In Sierra Leone.
Sallu has worked on various developmental and policy issues such as Poverty, Climate Change, Human rights, Child Rights, Education, Health, Gender Equality, Civic Engagement, Government policies, Information Communication Technology for Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and has also been contributing to various global events and advocacy campaigns.
Sallu Kamuskay is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Salone Messenger, a global Multimedia and Public Relations Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment, and more.
Sallu is working with a leading technology company in Africa, Techfrica, that has recently developed and launched a social media, messaging Supfrica with over 150,000 downloads on the Google play store in less than 4 days.
He is the Adviser and Media coordinator for the App to give people the platform to connect and communicate to help shape their future with a very fast internet that allows users that live in deprived and hard-to-reach areas with poor internet facility to be able to communicate as it allows and stronger on 2 and 3 G network reception.
Sallu has over 9 years of experience in youth engagement, inclusion, and coordination both at local and global levels, giving voice to young people and engaging young people to build a better world. He has served as coordinator for the Wave Alliance which brought together youth-led organisations who attended an international training in South Africa organized by the International Organization – Waves for Change.
Sallu is working with the MLT, Waves For Change, and the Government to develop safe spaces for young people, with a view to contributing to the overall development goals of young people including health, as well as to community rebuilding.
Sallu is currently the Programme Director for the Wave Alliance, which is a coalition of youth-led and community-based organisations that have successfully introduced evidence-based Surf Therapy programs to young people in communities, with a focus on mental health, peace building and sustainable development.