The African Dream

The African Dream is a Sierra Leonean news and entertainment platform. We cover stories about African history, culture, politics, change-makers and many more.


How These Sierra Leoneans Are Providing Access To Quality Education Through Their Platform ”Easy Learning Services”

To ensure that Sierra Leone enjoys quality education and to ensure that the problem of youth unemployment is tackle, a young and vibrant Sierra Leonean, Massah Esther Nyally Bockarie together with her colleagues Ibrahim Bah and Muhktar created a platform, Easy Learning Services, to solve the problems affecting the education system in Sierra Leone, and not only that but also tackle the problem of youth unemployment.

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Meet Shepherd M Nyambe: Africa’s Young Rising Scientist

Shepherd M Nyambe is a 20-years-old Namibian scientist, inventor, innovator, Founder and director of ShepThyGuru Initiative, winner of the Covid-19 Creativity Challenge by United Nations Development Program: Accelerator Labs (UNDP), author, and poet. He is recognized as Africa’s Young Rising Scientist in 2020

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