UNESCO Adds Senegalese Jollof To Its Cultural And Heritage List

Africa is a continent with diverse cultures enriched with hundreds of ethnic groups whose various distinct and unique cultures and traditions have impacted the continent’s tourism sector.

For years, the ‘online’ war on who has the best Jollof in Africa has seen Nigerians, Ghanaians, and Sierra Leoneans throwing fists at each other on the social media platform, Twitter. But for most of the argument, it’s between Ghana Jollof versus Nigeria Jollof. For Nigerians, their Jollof is the best and for the Ghanaians, theirs is the best in West Africa. But for UNESCO, they chose Senegalese Jollof!

The United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has added the Senegalese Jollof which is locally called ‘Thiebou Dieune’ to its cultural and heritage list. UNESCO said, “The recipe and techniques are traditionally passed down from mother to daughter”.

Thiebou Dieune also called ‘Ceebu jen’in Wolof language is Senegal’s national dish and has played a major role in the country’s tourism sector. Thiebou Dieune is not only eaten in Senegal, but also in other West African countries like Senegal’s sister country Gambia, Mali, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Mauritania. The dish is prepared with rice, tomato, fish, and a bit of fruit added to it.

Is Senegalese Jollof the best in West Africa?

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