As Mali Finalizes Decision To Ban French Media, UN says it is “deeply dismayed”

The United Nations bemoans the decision by Mali to suspend two French broadcasters, RFI and France 24. The Malian military government suspended the broadcasters earlier for what they regarded as false publications.

A couple of published reports made by these media outlets issued wild claims including a full-blown allegation that the army killed civilians and also subjected many people to torture and harassment. The army vehemently denied the reports, stating that they were deliberately machinated to tarnish their image.

The Military leadership mentioned that such reports are “a premeditated strategy aimed at destabilizing the political transition,” adding that, the French media equally planned to “demoralize the Malian people and discredit the Malian army.”

Since the suspension, France Medias Monde, the state-owned parent company of both the RFI and France 24 has been trying every suitable means of negotiation with the army to revoke the suspension. In a recent address, the company said it “strongly contests the definitive decision to suspend” its outlets.

The United Nations also joined the movement to get the platforms back on the ground in the West African country. A spokesman for the UN High Commissioner told the press, “We are deeply dismayed by the Malian media regulator’s decision to definitively suspend Radio France International [RFI] and France24.”



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