The African Dream

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The Inspiring Story Of Sibusiso Mogale: With No Arms, He Became A Swimmer, A Farmer, And Even An Actor

I think it’s getting to the point where we should stop calling people with disabilities disabled because some of these people are really changing the way people look at them. An example of these game changers, is Sibusiso Mogale, a South African farmer who was born with no arms.

Born in Mpumalanga province in the eastern part of South Africa. Sibusiso Mogale is a South African farmer, Paralympics World Champion, and actor who was born with no hands. Mogale was raised single-handedly by his mother due to his father being in jail.

While growing up, Mogale had a tough time going to school in his birthplace because schools at Mpumalanga didn’t accept him because of his disability. So he had to go to Limpopo where he attended Helena Franz Special School in Bochum, Limpopo.

Sibusiso Mogale is a South African farmer who was born with no hands.

This sounds somehow magical! But wait a minute, let me tell you something even more interesting about this amazing man.

Before his farming business, Sibusiso had succeeded as a professional swimmer and even represented his country in different Paralympic Swimming World Championships, and won many swimming awards in different countries. After a successful career as a swimmer, Sibusiso started his farm where he produces tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, chickens, eggs, and other vegetables.

And even with all that said, it seems this man is really full of great potential because he has also been seen acting in different films. Sibusiso Mogale has performed in films like Xola, Imfihlo, and Xola 2, and even received a nomination for the best actor for his lead role in Xola 2.

The ceremony for the award was held in Nairobi, Kenya, where Mogale went head-to-head with other African actors. However, he didn’t win the award but was received in grand style by his people when he returned to Mpumalanga just as the return of a president.

Sibusiso doesn’t just succeed in sport, farming, and film alone, as this man is also happily married to his wife, who together they both have a female child.

Talking about his source of motivation, Sibusisu said he always wants to do what people always dare him to do, because he never accepts the fact that he’s in any way different from other people who have hands.

People like Sibusiso are the reasons why we should stop calling these people disabled because with their actions they have proved to us that they are not disabled but actually differently-abled.

For this reason, may the story of Sibusiso remind you that, as long as you have a brain to think and you are still breathing, nothing in this life can stop you from becoming whatever you imagine yourself to be!

Muhammed Akorede Olaiya

You can call me M.a-cool. I'm a writer and a video content creator from Nigeria. I write on different topics but mostly my writing revolves around fiction, motivation and inspiration articles. My passion for storytelling and love for Africa made me start my YouTube channel, where I tell amazing, inspiring and beautiful stories about Africa and Africans. You can check out some of my stories by visiting my YouTube channel.


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