A 24-year-old from Niger has created the countryโ€™s first video game โ€œHeroes of the Sahelโ€

The video game designed by a young man of 24, draws its substance and form from the cultural riches of Niger. Coveryni Issa Mahamanโ€™s ambition is to make it an animated film in the medium term.

Niger has its first video game, designed in Niger and by a Nigerien. โ€œLes Hรฉros du Sahelโ€, named after this invention is made to adapt to android phones, computers and the Nitendo Wii.

A 24-year-old from Niger has created the countryโ€™s first video game โ€œHeroes of the Sahelโ€ Read More ยป

The Story of Joseph Phillipe Lemercier Laroche: The only Black Man of African Ancestry Onboard The R.M.S Titanic

Millions of people have either seen or read the story of the R.M.S Titanic. But how many of us have read about Joseph Phillipe Lemercier Laroche, a Haitian engineer โ€“ the only black man of African ancestry that was onboard the R.M.S Titanic.

The Story of Joseph Phillipe Lemercier Laroche: The only Black Man of African Ancestry Onboard The R.M.S Titanic Read More ยป