The African Dream

The African Dream is a Sierra Leonean news and entertainment platform. We cover stories about African history, culture, politics, change-makers and many more.


Three Young Sierra Leonean Innovators Among The Twelve Global Winners of The Generation Unlimited Global imaGen Ventures Competition

In the just concluded imaGen Ventures global innovation competition, three young innovators from Sierra Leone that developed an offline database server that provides learning materials offline for young people without internet access are among the twelve global winners of the competition ahead of thousands of young innovators across more than 40 countries.

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Black History Month: The Mau Mau Uprising

The Mau Mau uprising began in 1952 as a reaction to inequalities and injustices in British-controlled Kenya. The response of the colonial administration was a fierce crackdown on the rebels, resulting in many deaths. By 1956 the uprising had effectively been crushed, but the extent of opposition to the British regime had clearly been demonstrated and Kenya was set on the path to independence, which was finally achieved in 1963.

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